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What Is Child Maltreatment?

Question by TAMICKA S: what is child maltreatment?
Discuss the multiple origins of child maltreatment, its consequences for development, and prevention strategies.

Best answer:

Answer by Dark Lord
wat ur parents do to u

Answer by Caliope
Child abuse.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Collier County Child Abuse Prevention Program by Children’s Hospital of SW Florida


Agency gets grant to prevent child abuse, neglect

Filed under: child abuse prevention program

HARRISBURG — Community Action Southwest has been awarded a $ 120,000 state grant to help enhance child abuse and neglect prevention programs and outreach efforts in Washington and Greene counties. The announcement was made by state Reps.
Read more on Uniontown Herald Standard


M in Grants Awarded for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect in PA

Filed under: child abuse prevention program

HARRISBURG – Nine organizations have been awarded $ 1.08 million in Children's Trust Fund grants aimed at child abuse and neglect prevention programs for parents and families to create better outcomes for Pennsylvania children. Administered by the …
Read more on Gant Daily