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What Military Branch Can I Get Into With 4 Public Intoxication Charges and a Mip?

Question by Logan: What military branch can I get into with 4 public intoxication charges and a mip?
I got my latest one around 7 months ago, Im over that stage of my life.. I was wondering what branches I might be able to get into, I really want to be in the coast guard.

Best answer:

Answer by Lonnie P
Probably only the army and most likely never more than a private.

Answer by Rachel Follo
As long as you can pass your physical, I don’t see why the coast guard wouldn’t accept you. The army also seems like a viable option. But don’t expect to start off as an officer or anything.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Rememb… (.wmv) – A 6 minute short film created by Tom Judd and Taka Honda for Drinkwise Australia’s SafeZone Film Festival. The festival focuses on the use and abuse of alcohol amongst 18 to 25 year olds. “Rememb..” focuses on the experiences of three people at a small gathering where everyone is drinking. Things get out of hand and each person behaves differently due to the influence of alcohol. “Rememb…” is based on real events experienced by most of the actors in the film. The creators of the film are not against the consumption of alcohol, but wish to tell their experiences in the hope that it encourages safer drinking.