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What Can We Do as a Community at Large to Put an End to Homelessness in America?

Question by goldendragon346: What can we do as a community at large to put an end to homelessness in America?
I have wrote a peom that offers some insight and an answer to my own question. I became homeless myself in 1997, and have volenteered and worked as an outreach counselor to the homeless and substance abusers sence 1998


I don’t need your plate of food, I don’t need your coat, and I don’t need your shelter
I do need your time, I do need your hand, I do need your support (Help me Stand)

A coat can only provide warmth, it can’t provide dignity.
A plate of food can only provide sustenance, it can’t provide pride
Shelter can only provide protection from the elements, it can’t provide courage

Look through my eyes – into the window of my soul-
Can you not see that you feed, clothe and shelter a lost spirit?

Teach me to communicate, and I’ll tell you what I need.
Teach me a skill, and I’ll work with my hands and mind.
Teach me to think, and I’ll solve my own problems.

Give me direction, and I’ll get my own job.
Give me direction, and I’ll build my own house.
Give me direction, and I’ll feed myself for the rest of my life.

Help me, and then allow me to stand on my own two feet, and
I will regain my pride, my security, my courage and my dignity
Then you and I will walk together into a prosperous future – Kindred Spirits
I don’t need your Charity – I need your unbridled Love.


Best answer:

Answer by daibatokornberg
End the domination of neo-conservatives in American politics. But the people have to stand up and protest. Everyone is too busy just trying to survive paycheck to paycheck except for the rich. End the rule of the rich and people will start caring about one another more; we will become a nation who cares about ‘we’ instead of the current ‘me’.

Answer by Sage
Marshall –
Beautiful poem!

Have you thought about getting it published in your local newspaper, perhaps with an article asking this same question…you may get some answers within your own hometown!

What do you think? Answer below!


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