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Is the Term “disease” a Good Term to Use When Talking About Alcoholics?

Question by Mercedes Herrera: Is the term “disease” a good term to use when talking about alcoholics?
What is your opinion? Is it fair to say that when someone drinks so much, that it harms themselves and others that they have a “disease”? Do you think that alcoholism is something that you choose, or is it that the person was born with a genetic deficiency and cannot control their preordained destiny?

Best answer:

Answer by Jennie P
Alcoholism is indeed a disease. My father was an alcoholic for many years. He went through the 12 step thing and all that.

Answer by Tricia
I grew up with an alcoholic Mother, and Yes it is a Disease!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don’t you read up on the subject,lots of info out on cyberspace….

Add your own answer in the comments!



Alcoholism is a Disease? – Telling someone they have an in curable disease is dispicable……..AA promoted the disease concept and influenced its acceptance by the AMA…Try getting AAGSO to accept responsibilty….They will deny it..


Young adults getting drunk before they get drunk

Filed under: alcoholism disease

Pre-drinking does not automatically mean a young adult has the disease of alcoholism. It seems to be part of the rite-of-passage for college-age people, more so in the United States where the drinking age is 21 compared to Switzerland, where the study …