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Teen Choices [Teens and Alcohol]


Teen Choices [Teens and Alcohol] – ATTN: I do make these videos out of facts I find on the internet and out of my own reading, and experience. Do not message me “claiming” you made these videos. Please, it’s a waste of time. I think I would know if I made a video or not, and if I took a CLIP of a video, I give props to them. Well, anyway…Another one of my fact filled videos to spead the word about certain issues. My friend died in a car accident when his car was hit by a teenage drunk driver, and this video is dedicated to him and all the other victims. If you comment it must be respectful, no fighting, NO CHAIN LETTER COMMENTS, or spam. If you do break that rule you will have your comment deleted and you will be BLOCKED.


Binge Drinking Gene: RASGRF-2 Helps Explain Teenage Alcohol Abuse

Filed under: teenager alcohol abuse

LONDON (Reuters) – Scientists have unpicked the brain processes involved in teenage alcohol abuse and say their findings help explain why some young people have more of a tendency to binge drink. A study published in the Proceedings of National …
Read more on Huffington Post


Latest study: Alcohol use lowest among Utah teens

Filed under: teenager alcohol abuse

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, via the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, regularly surveys teens and releases nationwide percentages of America's underage drinkers. Its latest report details underage alcohol use …
Read more on Deseret News