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How Does It Feel to Have Aborted Your Baby Due to Teenage Pregnancy?

Question by : How does it feel to have aborted your baby due to teenage pregnancy?
I am taking an ethics class for which i must make a power point on teenage pregnancy. For a few slides I must talk about teenage ” parents” who aborted there child. i need to know

1. did they regret it at the time?
2. do they regret it now?
3. what would they have done differently if anything?
4. why did they choose to abort?
5. were both “parents” in agreement?

if you could help i would be reeeeally thankful :)

Best answer:

Answer by LilLady
my cuz was 18 going on 19 when she got pregnant… call that a teen or an adult… ill let YOU decide that! she aborted it.. she was very sad and she still regrets it. i think she was like 7 weeks or 8 weeks. maybe even 6 weeks! she said she wish she could of kept her baby. idk why she aborted it….. the guy didnt know about it…

Answer by Nightingale
Then post this question in “ethics”!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



teenage parenting