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What Do You Think of Fetullah Gulen and Why?

Question by thecybershawnbomb: What do you think of Fetullah Gulen and why?
What do you think of him? There was this Turkish dude who was very nasty and said bad words about F. Gulen. I don’t understand why he is so angry. Is F. Gulen a bad person? We don’t know him actually but we see his quotes on school plaques. We know more about Ataturk than this dude. Can you give me your opinion?

I study at a Turkish International School in the Philippines and I want to know if it’s a bad school. If it’s bad then I don’t want my family paying $ 4000 a year if my school is not a good one.
I don’t know what your problem is ms. bird and the others but if you won’t give a good answer then YOU get out of my question and delete your answers. This is a perfectly logical question and I want to know that is why I am here.

Mr. Hotturk, what do you mean by brainwashing please? Thanks.
Maybe you later you will tell me that you think Ataturk is bad too.
Thanks young turk, I think the school is not bad at all. The Turks our teachers and directors here are very nice guys. They never talk about Mr. Gulen at all. Are the other answerers being nasty because I am not a Turk?
Ms. Istanbulbogazi, young turk and hot turk, So the population of Turkey hates him or just here in answers? Should I discuss it with my teachers and will I get in trouble for that?
Accented thoughts, Thanks, this is my third year and they don’t mention Gulen only Ataturk and from my studies he is a great man. We don’t even have religion here at all. What are his teachings? I don’t plan to work in Turkey but I am planning to be a diplomat someday because my mom says not to think much about earning money but to work for peace. Because these are bad times and war is everywhere.
Cok tessukur edirem Sorel hanim. You are nice.
I don’t care about him ms. bird, it was your friend Tramp who wrote of it in my other question, I didn’t know who he was until he said it & I remembered the name from our school wall. We dont know him. All we have is all about Ataturk. But thanks for letting me know what all of you think of him.

Accented dude if you read this, I can’t email anymore, Yahoo says I am over my limit,I snuck open the comp one more time to tell you. I will after school. Oh I pasted my pic as well as suck ups so you know how pesky she is in my 360. The peloponesian war as my mom said was the basis for international securityI think. Later dude.
Ha ha edd dude, I’ll give you ten dollars. For not reading the posts, I’m only “oniki”.
So what everyone is saying he makes money from politicians and questionable contributions using the name of God for profit. We have so many of them like that here but not as big as this guy. Thanks for your answers.

Best answer:

Answer by ?birdisreallyfedup?
we hate fetullah gulen. ok? got it? why do you care so much about him anyway?

Answer by Juliu C
This guy is a joke!!!!!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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