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If Someone Was Murdered in the Home I Buy Does the Realtor Have to Disclose That Information?

Question by Ginger: If someone was murdered in the home I buy does the Realtor have to disclose that information?
And can I get a discount?

Best answer:

Answer by AnnaBelle
I would consider the fact of a murder in the home to be “material,” and therefore need to be disclosed. However the materiality of that *could* be argued, and the realtor could tell a judge that he didn’t know it was material, and give multiple examples of where the fact did not change the price of the house, etc. But it would be in the best interest of the realtor to disclose it.

The murder discount probably already is in the price of the house.

Answer by Ryan M
If you ask, they must answer. That is the best way to get the answer to your question

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Crystal Meth Lab Crackdown – News Report – Clip thanks to A member of the family of phenethylamines, methamphetamine is chiral, with two isomers, levorotary and dextrorotatory. The levorotary form, called levomethamphetamine, is an over-the-counter drug used in inhalers for nasal decongestion. Levomethamphetamine does not possess any significant central nervous system activity or addictive properties. This article deals only with the dextrorotatory form, called dextromethamphetamine, and the racemic form. Methamphetamine is a potent central nervous system stimulant that affects neurochemical mechanisms responsible for regulating heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, appetite, attention, mood and emotional responses associated with alertness or alarming conditions. The acute physical effects of the drug closely resemble the physiological and psychological effects of an epinephrine-provoked fight-or-flight response, including increased heart rate and blood pressure, vasoconstriction (constriction of the arterial walls), bronchodilation, and hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar). Users experience an increase in focus, increased mental alertness, and the elimination of fatigue, as well as a decrease in appetite.