Episcopal Community Services Head Start | Social Work Jobs Setting Kids Up for Success
Episcopal Community Services Head Start | Social Work Jobs Setting Kids Up For Success – http://sandiego.jobing.com/ Episcopal Community Services Head Start Is one of many programs helping our community and serving the people of San Diego. Ground…
Gazette opinion: Capitol decisions should promote mental health
Filed under: mental health jobs
Because most of us get our health insurance through our employer, those who develop serious mental illnesses often lose coverage when they can't work. They typically face years of delay between onset of debilitating illness and getting disability …
Read more on Billings Gazette
Having Bad Job Worse Than No Job For Your Mental Health
Filed under: mental health jobs
The researchers used four job characteristics to determine each person's mental health – job security, job pay, demands of the work, and job freedom (tackling the job's problems how they would see fit, as opposed to being bossed around by higher ups).
Read more on Toronto NewsFIX
Mental health advocates urge Medicaid expansion
Filed under: mental health jobs
The 50,000 newly eligible Medicaid recipients for mental health services include two broad groups not now covered by Medicaid – 34,000 residents already getting behavioral health services mainly through state funding, and 16,000 individuals who are …
Read more on St. Louis American