OLTL Bo, Nora and Matthew 03/26/09
OLTL Bo, Nora and Matthew 03/26/09 – Cole’s hearing. Nora agrees to let Cole go into a drug treatment program instead of jail. Matthew gets his first wheelchair after a lot of convincing and enc…
by Prince Roy
Indictment: Counselor took bribes, sex for drug treatment referrals
Filed under: drug treatment
Hulen Ginn, 41, of Valley Stream, Long Island has been indicted on 20 felony counts, accused of taking money and sex to help people charged with crimes to get early release from drug treatment programs, prosecutors said.
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Launch of the avert-AF Scientific Initiative to Develop a Drug Treatment for …
Filed under: drug treatment
ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 24, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Leading cardiovascular scientists today announced the launch of avert-AF, a new initiative aimed at developing drug treatments for the prevention of the more advanced forms of atrial fibrillation.
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New drug gives growth to girl born with no bones – USA Today
Filed under: drug treatment
In February 2009, Janelly began treatment with a medicine that had been developed by Canada-based Enobia Pharma Corp. and put on fast-track approval status by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration because it was an "orphan drug" — the first possible …
Read more on USA TODAY