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William Doherty: Who’s Afraid of Couples Therapy? Excerpt 1 of 3.


William Doherty: Who’s Afraid of Couples Therapy? Excerpt 1 of 3. – This continuing education webcast for counselors, therapists and social workers (LCSWs) is the first excerpt from the 3rd session of Who’s Afraid of Couples …


Shake up date night with HowAboutWe for couples experiences

Filed under: couples therapy

The first piece of advice given to couples in therapy is to start dating one another again, Du Bois said. “The date night suggestion encourages people to try to fight that behavioral adaptation they've engaged in,” he said. “It's a very simple …
Read more on Chicago Sun-Times


Cyclists, drivers and pedestrians could benefit from relationship therapy

Filed under: couples therapy

It's really important that the tone be civil, if not amicable,” says couples therapist Karen Hirscheimer. Which would have been good advice for a driver and cyclist near the Gardiner on-ramp at Jarvis St. a few weeks ago. The driver honked his …
Read more on Toronto Star