Why Are There Double-Standards Between Athletes and Singers?
Question by promethium23: why are there double-standards between athletes and singers?
This question will undoubtedly garner a crap
load of criticism. I’m not trying to upset people. I’m simply trying
to make sense out of the senseless,that’s all. I have noticed that
there appears to be an obvious double-standard when it comes to
how we treat our professional athletes as opposed to how we treat
professional musical artists. We all know the performance enhanc-
ements,such as certain types of supplements,as well as steroids are
forbidden from professional athletic occupations. The NBA,NFL,MLB,
NHL,and the Olympics all have banned steroid use.And for good reason;
Steroids are illegal in these sports because it gives
the athlete too much of an unfair advantage,over his/her opponent. In
other words,it’s cheating. I for one agree with the decision to make it
illegal for these athletes to use steroids to gain their deceptive edge;especially
when you consider how much these “professionals” are being paid. These
people are millionaires because of endorsements attributed to their inate
abilities to perform monumentally astounding physical activities. Activities
that the vast majority {0.01%} of us could never hope to achieve. And this is why
so many of these people are idolized.
Singers,however, are no more innocent than those who abuse
steroids.When Barry Bonds had that whole snafu involving his implicity of using perf-
ormance enhancements to alter his ability to smack the ball out of the stadium every-
time,there was a freakin’ “congressional-hearing”! Are you kidding me? What about these
“teeny-bopper” singers who have zero(inate) talent? Most of them are lip-synching,and
having professional editing artists alter the sound of their “true” voice,in an effort to turn
up a profit.So how is using steroids to perform better,any different from having your real
voice changed to make a profit? We all know JB,Selena G.,and those other Mickey Mouse
Singers are essentially cheating. They’re scamming millions of people.In any other context,
this would be construed as fraud!But when was the last time you saw your favorite singer
appearing before congress? I hope you all understand where I’m coming from on this issue.
I’m not taking pot-shots at Bieber,or anyone else in general. It just seems a bit unfair.Especially
when one thinks about how much money JB is worth;it’s mind-boggling….{$ 85+million
ED,pardon my french,but-WTF are you talking about? i’m not jealous of these people.i respect talented people…omg,go away dumb ass…apparently you’re either too dense or too stupid to understand my question. and for that i feel bad for you.so please do the world a favor and cancel your subscription to yahoo answers.it’s an open forum yes,but is is it really necessary for you to insult people asking questions? i insulted you out of a defensive mechanism.in lamens terms,YOU started it!geez,if you haven’t got anything good to say,shut up!
you know something? forget it, the only people who answer questions on this site are fvcking dicks…screw you ALL!
Steven, you seem to be the ONLY individual who not only read,understood, and answered my question.but did so in a straight forward and non-offensive way.you will get your 10 points. i am sorry for going off like that but,it bothers me,that if someone asks a question that another finds foolish,they feel obliged to be as tactless as possible as to embarrass that person. and for what point? questions are asked to get an answer. clearly if someone asks a question,it’s because they are inquisitive. and what’s wrong with learning new things?
Best answer:
Answer by Idi Amin
Singers don’t directly benefit from taxpayer funded projects such as building a new stadium for sports teams. There’s your answer. Too bad you wrote so much.
Answer by Ed Fox
Any genuine music industry professional would agree that you are talking total crap. Perhaps you are insanely jealous of those who have achieved success
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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