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What Are Some Issues in Mental Health?

Question by andrewgillen72: what are some issues in mental health?

Best answer:

Answer by lucky13724
a serious problem is the issue of hospitalization. there are people with serious psychological disorders who are also their own legal guardians. they choose whether or not they want to take their medicine and the power that psychologists have is very limited. if a schizophrenic patient goes off their meds, there isn’t really anything the doctor can do until the patient deteriorates and either hurts them self or someone else. to hospitalize someone like this is not cut and dry. there is a whole list of criteria that the patient has to meet before they are admitted, which is a good thing, we don’t’ want to be putting everyone in the hospital, but i think of all the tragedies that could be prevented if we could hospitalize certain patients before they get into trouble. like the schizophrenic mother in my home town who went off her meds and ended up killing her 3 year old. or the depressed college student who killed a girl he liked b/c she wouldn’t go out with him (see the Tatiana tarasoff case)

Answer by Squelette
improper mental disorder diagnosises and medical prescriptions, along with that abuse of those drugs as well

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