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Can Anybody Tell Me if This Is Fact or Just Lies?

Question by : Can anybody tell me if this is fact or just lies?
Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Watchtower world is the deliberate
tolerance of sexual predators within “Jehovah’s organization”. Despite their denial,
Jehovah’s Witnesses are trapped in an organization which tolerates disgusting and
deplorable behavior. I’d like to introduce myself before we start discussing this issue
of pedophilia that is rampant amongst the religious group known as Jehovah’s
Witnesses. My name is Mark H. Palo and I am a former Jehovah’s Witness of almost
forty years. Twice I have been a victim of pedophile molestations at the hands of two
different Jehovah’s Witnesses. I was between the age of ten and twelve years old. My
molesters where never caught or punished. Presently I am fifty-seven years old and
hold an associates degree in Human Services and am attending The University of
Massachusetts, Lowell, majoring in psycho/sociology. I hold a 3.8 GPA and hold
high honors by being accepted into the Phi Theta Kappa Society. At this time I work
at a Substance Abuse Clinic as a Consumer Advocate. My job is to see that all the
clients are given fair and timely treatment. I handle client issues, concerns, and work
to attain their city, state and federal benefits. I also work with the elderly population
of my city to educate them with regards to the dangers of misuse of prescription
drugs, alcohol, and OTC drugs. I run seminars at schools, colleges, and elderly
housing sites. The most accurate description of pedophilia can be found by turning
to the Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders, better known as the
DSM. This publication is the virtual Bible that is used by all Therapists,
Psychologists, and Psychiatrists in the United States and abroad. (DSM-V ,p527,
sec.302.2) Pedophilia:

Best answer:

Answer by GreatBigBore
If you’d make a coherent point, I’d be glad to. Plus, ever heard of a paragraph?

Answer by The Retarded Zombie
Just because a couple guys did it, that does not mean there all pedophiles.

What do you think? Answer below!



Your Support for Equality – Hello, My name is Ernesto and I am a 19 year old, gay male who is happily partnered. The reason I write is because I am interested in setting up a GLBT peace rally, in front of the White House in Washington, DC Almost like a Pride Parade but, instead it will be for political justice. I am trying to get celebrities and GLBT related organizations involved. I know that to set this up to the mass I aspire, I need much more influential people and organizations. I hope you would consider your sponsorship and aid. And help me in setting up this campaign for GLBT complete equality. I have sent this identical letter to many organizations and individuals totaling to about 300. Ranging from Oprah Winfrey to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. I have managed the cooperation and joint efforts of the National LGBT Cancer-Network and I’m hoping for others to jump on board and help in making this Pride Fest meets Live 8 possible. I have also emailed Bravo,LOGO and MTV for thier support in hopes of gaining their media sponsorship. I am a strong believer that one person can change the world. Please if you are interested in showing your support and joining us in this campaign with your aid,donations or attendance it would be GREATLY appreciated.I have high hopes of having speeches and live performances all being worked around as a charity event, with money being donated to AIDS,Cancer,Children and Substance Abuse organizations relating to the GLBT community. Hope floats and inspiration flows