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Canadian Maximum Penalties?

Question by visa hopeful: Canadian maximum penalties?
Under Canadian law, what is the maximum penalty for being present during a sale of heroin and convicted of conspiring in the crime? Convicted in Germany over 14 years ago and sentenced to two years in prison, I don’t see any way my fiance will ever get a visa to the United States, even though I’m a US citizen. We are hoping to have him deemed rehabilitated in order to have a wedding reception in Canada so that my North American friends and relatives can easily attend.

Best answer:

Answer by muffinman
People with a criminal record usually aren’t allowed entry. You should contact the Canadian embassy directly and explain your situation and see if you can get an exemption.

Answer by senlin
I don’t think he will qualify for “deemed rehabilitated.” The Criminal Code of Canada states (s.465.1c) that anyone convicted of conspiracy in relation to a criminal act is “liable to the same punishment as that to which an accused who is guilty of that offence would, on conviction, be liable;” Conviction of traffic in herion carries a maximum life sentence in Canada, so if I am reading this correctly he wouldn’t meet the maximum ten year imprisonment requirement. He can still apply for “individual rehabilitation.” Here is the link for the Criminal Code: – you can read section 465 and see what you think. Also, the link for individual rehabilitation:

Good luck.

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