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Archive for the ‘Substance Abuse Therapy’ Category

What Are Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease and How Early Can These Symptoms Start to Appear?

Question by : What are symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease and how early can these symptoms start to appear?
i shake really bad when nervous or feel a panic attack coming on…and also shaky in general.its hard for me to relax my limbs. im 25.

Best answer:

Answer by Ally
If you have panic attacks you probably have irrational thoughts, like having parkinson’s at 25! I have them and know that I obsesswith certain diseases/ailments at different times. I am sure you are totally healthy!

Answer by Mags
While stress can be a Parkinson’s disease contributor, it is highly unlikely that you are exhibiting a symptom of PD.

Panic attacks are quite real and they do require treatment. The tremors you experience are a common feature of tension, anxiety and panic attacks.

Addiction Counseling in Paradise Valley Arizona


Addiction counseling in paradise valley arizona – This video was uploaded from an Android phone.


Aussie Mums in NSW Suffering from Alcohol, Drug Addiction Could Lose

Filed under: addiction counseling

By signing the contract, the battered or addicted women are mandated to leave their partner, move to a kin's home or attend domestic violence counseling sessions. Failure to do so would result in the infant being removed from them and placed in NSW …
Read more on International Business Times AU


How Important Is Counselling for Bipolar Disorder?

Question by Daisy: How important is counselling for bipolar disorder?
My boyfriend has bipolar disorder and goes to his psychiatrist once a month. His visits are real quick like 10 minutes long. She just asks how are you today, are your pills working, any stressers? Then she sends him out the do. Other than that “therapy” he doesnt do any talk counselling. So is counselling an important thing when it comes to bipolar disorder?

Best answer:

Answer by M P
Counselling is an important part of the process, but many men are unwilling to open up talk as they don’t want to appear weak. The pills can’t do all the work, and more often than not they end up being a problem in their own right when the patient takes them until they feel better and then stops, and then needs to start again when they feel low. Cognitive behaviour therapy really helps with this as well. As for counselling he would feel better if he could open up and reveal his deep dark secrets to someone who won’t judge him on them.

For Your Rehab British Columbia Is the Best Choice ! – 1-855-885-8651


For your rehab British Columbia is the best choice ! – 1-855-885-8651 – When it comes to your rehab British Columbia may be the best possible place to get this treatment. Whether you…


Arizona prisons request additional officers

Filed under: substance abuse treatment facility

The new money also would cover additional costs projected for inmate health care, new technology for an inmate-management system, and substance-abuse treatment services. “We have conveyed our concerns. It's about public safety, staff safety and …
Read more on Arizona Republic


Saving Bobbi: A teen's sex trafficking ordeal

Filed under: substance abuse treatment facility

She had slipped loose from their best attempts to safeguard her with drug treatment and group homes. But they never … The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children estimates 100,000 kids a year are victims of sex trafficking in the United States.
Read more on Minneapolis Star Tribune

“World’S Best School Psychologist”


“World’s Best School Psychologist” – This wasn’t so much a creepy pasta, just an interesting story. Gave me a chance to try out some voices. I hope you all enjoy, I know I did! Original Story: h…


Psychologist uses brain mapping to help patients

Filed under: psychologist

Clients come to Capanna-Hodge, an educational psychologist and neurofeedback practitioner, for help with stress and anxiety, as well as learning and attention issues, obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression. Capanna-Hodge has recently begun …
Read more on Danbury News Times


New Book from Organizational Psychologist Bob Rosen: "Grounded: How

Filed under: psychologist

About the Author: Bob Rosen–trusted CEO advisor, organizational psychologist, and bestselling author–has long been on a mission to transform the world of business, one leader at a time. He founded Healthy Companies International over 20 years ago with …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

How to Deal With Anger Issues


How to deal with anger issues – Read here : how to deal with anger issues dealing with anger issues ways to deal with anger ways to deal with anger issues.


Financial depression to emotional depression after government shutdown

Filed under: anger therapy

And when gas climbed over $ 4 a gallon for the first time, again, comments of upset and anxiety entered the therapy space. But with the sequestration and the fiscal cliff and now this more recent government shutdown and debt ceiling, rather than anger …
Read more on Loudoun Times-Mirror


Karrueche Tran, Chris Brown deal with outpatient rehab program for assault

Filed under: anger therapy

You have already subscribed. Thank you. Chris Brown, Karrueche Tran Kiss. (Photo : Chris Brown maybe out frolicking with on-and-off again girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, but he is still attending an outpatient program for his anger …
Read more on Mstarz