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depression counseling
by SS&SS

Question by SilmariLovesShizuma: depression?
how does it feel like i mean i have it but i dont understand why i dont think i have depression i dont even now how to spell it lol but my mom divorced my dad 3 years ago and i was fine with it but my momo keeps making us go some stuff like sicologist and stuff to try to make my dad look crazy but the test reveal my dad i right and my mom is wrong but she keeps on going anyway some sicologist said i have depression i started laughing when i found out lol but now that i think of it i am kinda lonely i spend all my time in my room and every year i change friends but i dont think i have depression anyway like i said i am here in my room all night so email me if you want i am bored [email protected]

Best answer:

Answer by junknstuffcollector
Depression affects people differently. Some have short term depression, like it comes on, lasts awhile, then goes awy on its own. Stress can bring depression on to some people. Stress can also cause anxiety. Sounds to me like you have some stress in your young life.

I have a chemical imbalance in my brain, so my depression is constant, and I was born with it. I was always a loner as a kid. I grew up on a farm and had to entertain myself most of the time. I had friends, but preferred to be by myself. I felt lonely as a teenager, even in a group or a crowd. To this day, even tho I take an anti-depressant drug, I fight with that darned depression. I have a few friends, we meet for coffee once a week, as a group, and most of them don’t know about my depression. I’m good at hiding it.

To me, it feels like I’m lonely and sad. Sort of empty feeling, like I’m not in my body. I tire easily, but I don’t sleep well–weird dreams and I wake up alot during the night.

I have tried counseling/therapy. That didn’t help. So I take Effexor(prescription). I tried others, but this is the only one that really helps.

Good luck, honey

Answer by Meili Wong
you can email me of [email protected].

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