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Do You Think It Is Right for People With a Mental Illness to Be Labeled?

Question by stitch: Do you think it is right for people with a mental illness to be labeled?
Here is the scenerio. You have a mental illness. You go to an emergency room or to a different physician other than your regular GP. You have to list the meds you are taking if any. Then the doctor wants to know why you are on the meds. You explain you have a mental illness. Then the doctor changes their whole attitude towards you and tells you that “they” believe your “health problems” are attributed to your mental illness. Or they tell you that you are not going to receive special treatment (even though you do not request to be treated any differently) just because you are mentally ill. Do you think it is right?

Best answer:

Answer by nes_nes_nes2000
Unfortunately, you get to be treated in a different way, that’s right… But it is of course a very wrong attitude… The World Psychiatric Association is trying to change all this stigmatization, hopefully they will manage it in a way…

Answer by beaglesrule9863
No it is not right. Mental illness is as real as heart disease or diabetes yet attitudes are very different. Even though you would think doctors would have the training to realize that mental illness is just as real as physical illness but they don’t. The only way that I have found to with their attitudes is not to go back. Find a doctor that understands and that you feel comfortable with. Be very open at your first appointment about the problem you are having but also about your medications. I feel that the ones that deny that mental illness is as much an illness as anything physical are probability denying a problem of there own or someone close to them. It is hard to speak about mental illness even today because of stereotypes and attitudes developed years even decades ago. Most mentally ill if on the correct medication can at least live independently and not in a institution. The prejudice is to me one of the greatest reason some that need treatment refuse. There is no equality for people with mental illness. Even Social Security and Medicare “penalize” you if your disability is psychiatric.

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