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Do You Want to Be Forced to Pay for Health Care?

Question by I’m a Mommy ?: Do you want to be forced to pay for health care?
1 – Do you think that government forced health care, and all the mandatory requirements that come with it (such as “end of life counseling” for seniors) is right?

#2 – If you were buying a car and the dealer handed you a 1000 page contract and pressured you to sign it before they closed without giving you adequate time to read it, would you do it? Do you think our elected officials, who are supposed to be voicing the will of the people they represent, should be put under the same similar pressure?

Best answer:

Answer by David
this is why this health care pkg. is being rejected.

Answer by mckenziecalhoun
No. They keep claiming it isn’t socialist, that we don’t understand what “Socialism” is. Sorry, I am. I have no interest in redistributing wealth and any other value of socialism. In addition, some of our representatives have done a very poor job of hiding their membership in socialist causes.

I’m a democrat, not a socialist.
Our young democrats are in denial, or active in supporting a socialist agenda.

Read the membership list.

Read the part about how they decided to use the Democratic Party as a front.

We are looking at a Socialist Nation in YOUR lifetime.

I’m tired of my party being used. They can go back to their own party. They can even have an animal of their own: I nominate: The Duck.

Give your answer to this question below!


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