Does Anyone Know How to Go About Being a Drug/alcohol Counselor in a Treatment Center?
Question by Cyndy: Does anyone know how to go about being a drug/alcohol counselor in a treatment center?
Best answer:
Answer by lscrighton
get your associates degree in drug/alchol counseling and then apply. You will have to submit to a background/fingerprint test, and usually a UA test as well. (a lot of community colleges offer that certificate and they are cheeap too!)
good luck!
Answer by bmac
You need to go to school for that. You need a major in psychology. Then you need to do some training at a facility. Then you have to be a certified counselor. It’s a difficult job. You have to know what you are talking about (any personal experience?) and learn every trick in the book because you are going to hear it all.
Springfield Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces Residential Treatment Expansion
Springfield Alcohol Drug Rehab is announcing an expansion of its residential treatment program for people with drug addiction problems in and around the Springfield area. Within the residential treatment program, people receive an opportunity to …
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