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Does Today’s YOUTH Have Any Respect for Their Parents or the Older Generation?

Question by OMI JEN: Does Today’s YOUTH have any respect for their Parents or the Older Generation?
Would really like to hear how you feel…..BUT…..need your age and the reason you feel this way..

Best answer:

Answer by Mary Elizabeth Catherine
Interesting question. Firstly, in that it calls for a generalization and secondly that it’s a tad biased in it’s phrasing.
(Just to clarify – I’m a sixteen year old girl…)
I have respect for MY parents, personally because they set a fantastic example. They don’t judge me for my natural born personality traits but they DO point out if I’m doing something wrong. They encourage my talents and praise me for my accomplishments. I have excellent parents – they’ve given me and continue to give me a great education. Our family is very well off and I benefit from it. They don’t “spoil” me, but I’m never without anything that I need or truly want.
HOWEVER – I’m a lucky kid. Because most parents aren’t half as good as mine. I know kids whose parents have done despicable deeds/beat them/are divorced/selfish/etc. And I don’t blame them for disrespecting their parents because quite frankly, their parents never gave them any REASON to respect them.
I respect older people as I respect all human beings. I don’t treat them differently because they are older, I’m just as polite to the 17 year old boy as I am to the 70 year old man. I treat them as a fellow child of God. Do I give them “special treatment?” If they earn it in a sense, yes. Because, when it comes down to things a 70 year old person can be just as corrupt or even more so (with a superiority complex to boot) than the 17 year old person.
I will treat the person as they treat others, no matter what their age is.
I respect and love my parents because they respect and love me.
If older people respect/love me, I will do the same for them in return.
What I dislike, however is being labeled by older adults as a “bad teen.” It seems that simply because I’m 16 that it is automatically assumed that I am irresponsible, stupid and high on drugs. How would you like it if I assumed that all old people were stupid, overbearing and stuffy?
But I don’t. They’re humans and I treat each one uniquely. :)

Answer by Erin
No I’m 13 and I feel like I have been bratty to my parents ALL the time. I have never been punished or anything like that. Thewy don’t really know what to do withy me. I scream and yell whjen I dont get my way. Im admitting that i do that stuff

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


Lawsuit filed against drug rehab center in death

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(AP) — The grandmother of a West Tennessee teen who died shortly after being released from a Dickson County drug rehabilitation center has filed a lawsuit. According to The Tennessean ( ), the $ 14.5 million lawsuit was filed …
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