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How Does This Affect the Audience?

Question by Andrea: How does this affect the audience?
I am trying to write a speech for my speech class.
the thesis is “Bellevue community college should not be allowed to offer 4 year degree programs”
The audience is a bunch of University of Washington students.
How are they affected by the community colleges offering or not offering 4 year degree programs?

Best answer:

Answer by oracle
If the community colleges do offer 4 year degree programs, then they will be in direct competition with UW to attract a great many of the same students. If that happens, the attendance at UW may decline, thus spreading the huge operating expenses of UW among less tuition income from fewer students. If that happens, UW may soon have to raise its tuition rates for all students in order to cover all their fixed expenses.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Atlanta Ballet Community Programs & – Help support Atlanta Ballet’s community program, Centre Dance at Parklane Elementary and City of Refuge by donating today through! Atlanta Ballet’s Centre Dance program integrates kinesthetic learning techniques into standard academic core curriculum both in-school and after school. The premise is that dance education enhances the capacity to learn, not just dance, but all subjects. Experienced fully, art has the power to open windows to the world, enhance cultural awareness, and even create a lifelong love of art and learning. Help us continue to build this wonderful opportunity for the students at Parklane and City of Refuge. We have seen the benefits of the program first hand and are committed to see it grow. Donate today!