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Is This a Good Introduction for a Research Paper ?

Question by : is this a good introduction for a research paper ?
my research paper is on suicide and its causes the causes are substance abuse and depression.

Every 16 minutes someone dies from suicide. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death in America. Over 30,000 people commit suicide annually. Substance Abuse and Depression are the two leading causes of death by suicide.

i think its bad can anyone help me ?

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its actually pretty good but u should 1. mention the source you got the information “every 16 minutes soomeone dies from suicide’ including name of person/site name such as….
In an article from, Dr. Hammy says that “Every 16 minutes someone in America/around the world has ended their life.”
2. make “over 30,000….” and “Substance Abuse and…” one sentance….. Over 30,000 people commit suicide anually, with Substance Abuse and Depression the 2 leading causes.

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