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Meth Rehab in Los Angeles for Female?

Question by george l: Meth Rehab in Los Angeles for female?
I am a 28yrs old female and have been doing meth for about 12yrs. I have never been to rehab but I want and need to go. I live in the los angeles area. I want to do a 30 to 60 day program but I am unemployed. Does anyone have any suggestions of a decent treatment center that will take me without a job? I would like to go ASAP … Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Sam
First let me say I live in North Carolina but was facing the same scenario about a year and a half ago and let me tell you it is not as easy as it should be. You can try going to your local mental health department, they might be able to help you get into a public detox or treatment center. Don’t let this discourage you but it is a pretty involved process you will be interviewed and they will see if you are a candidate for it, and there will be a little bit of a waite until there is a bed. You can also try what I did…grab a phone book, look up “substance abuse” and sit there all spun out going through the list calling places until you find something. Good luck and don’t give up.

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