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The Trouble With the 12 Step Program Is They Preach All Alcoholics Are Alcoholics for Life.?

Question by Queen of Sheba: the trouble with the 12 step program is they preach all alcoholics are alcoholics for life.?
I Ten points to the one who can give me a convincing explanation for how this might be true or untrue. Do you think some people are born alcoholics which basically simply means their bodies adapt quickly so they need the poison to be normal?

Or are they wrong, do some other people get sick at first and vomit, then slowly build up a tolerance level to the poisonous poop of yeast cells which we call alcohol?

Is it counterproductive for the 12 step Alcoholics anonymous programs to force this perception on persons who attend their meetings or is it necessary to save them from relapse? Or is it possible for a person to lower their tolerance level and no longer be an alcoholic?

Does a shot of vodka at night is said to clean the bowels and improve longevity? Same with whiskey?

Is prune juice superior medicine to do the same thing and since it contains lots of potassium and some iron is it therefore preferable to something that kills brain cells?
. Inform me and convince me of your view please, broaden our perspective, please!

Best answer:

Answer by bradxschuman
Personally, I think the idea of “once an alcoholic, forever an alcoholic” is a load of crap. Seems the idea is economically useful for the “help groups” and the medical communities if you keep the public thinking they’ll forever need them as a crutch.

Answer by SWT
I do not really know if once an alcoholic always an alcoholic or not. but what I do know is, I abused alcohol in the late 80’s and early 90’s and was sent to AA by an idiot psychiatrist who did not want to treat my real problem of depression. I found out the hard way that if I tried to commit suicide and failed and expected help to not be drunk when I went to the hospital or even when I tried suicide. I do know what you are talking about because I witnessed this while in AA. I was told I was just a drunk and would never be able to live a normal life outside AA. I was told I was just like the rest of the people in the group I attended. I left believing that nonsense for many years and did not touch a drop of alcohol. I began drinking again 4 years ago and I am just a moderate drinker which i was told in AA was impossible. I do not drink every day or even every week, but if i want a 6 pack I will go get one and it lasts several days. I was told in AA I would never be abale to drink like this and would always need AA to stay sober.

I also noticed that in that particular group they all wished they could drink but could not. During my days of abusing alcohol I drank a case or more of beer a day, but now a case would last me a month or longer. I got in trouble in my AA group because I said I was not an alcoholic and was just abusing it because I had problems I did not know how to handle. I said this after people would come up to me and talk about how easy I was having it staying sober but then got mad at my answer and would tell me I would die drunk if I did not change my attitude and get with the program. getting with the program meant that I had to believe and do do everything my sponsor and others told me to do. I cannot talk about every AA group but that one was full of very controlling people and they controlled you by convincing you that you would die drunk if you did not do as they said.

I was not even allowed to date and this one woman I was interested in would attend meetings to see me and my sponsor would grab me and force me to stay away from her and would not let me go until she left.

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