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What Does “reconation” Mean in the Form of Psychotherapy Called “Moral Reconation Therapy”?

Question by Casey: What does “reconation” mean in the form of psychotherapy called “moral reconation therapy”?
Neither “reconate” nor “reconation” are words in any unabridged dictionary.

Best answer:

Answer by mel
cognitive behavioral treatment system for offenders and at-risk groups.
archaic word before ego replaced it. conscious decision making part of a personality. offenders to reevaluate their situation. raise moral decision making strategy for individuals

What do you think? Answer below!



Individual Therapy : How to Start a Conversation – The best way to start a conversation is by taking an interest in someone else and asking questions to start the flow of talk. Start conversations and keep them going withtips from a licensed marriage and family therapist in this free video on individual therapy. Expert: Patti German Contact: Bio: Patti German is a member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. She has certification in marriage and family therapy (MFT) and has worked with the Penn Council for Relationships. Filmmaker: Paul Muller


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