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Where Can I Buy Phentermine Cheap?

by Cea.

Question by LRenee: where can i buy phentermine cheap?
Is it trust worthy to buy online or is there a good doctors office in atlanta I can go to?

Best answer:

Answer by Jenni
It is illegal to sell phentermine online, and anything you buy that way will be fake. Lots of people have been scammed by it, mostly companies over seas in places like India sell them this way, but they are not real and won’t work. The “natural” version of phen is not the same as well, and although it might have results for some it is not the same as the prescription drug. With that said, MOST, not all but most regular doctors will not prescribe it. Many doctors feel it is not the healthy way and that you should be just using diet and exercises. However, seeing as diet and exercise simply doesn’t work for many people who have eating addictions, there are doctors who specialize in weight loss and weight management. I would suggest looking up “medical weight loss clinics” in your area, contacting them and asking if they do prescribe an appetite suppressant. Be careful though, LOTS of places have their own different weight loss shots, herbal crap etc. and if you want phen then you need to avoid those and don’t waste your money. Most clinics charge about 100-150 for a months supply. Good luck with your weight loss :)

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