Why Would Someone Cover Every House Window With Black Plastic From the Inside? Drug House?
by mdog
Question by chris: why would someone cover every house window with black plastic from the inside? Drug house?
alway’s different cars parked there, should i notify police or am i being paranoid?
Thank you for the input. The house is a block away so i can’t see it from my house. i have never seen anyone outside. Passing it on the way to and from work there is always different cars. I hope it is nothing but will keep an eye on it and talk with the neighbors closer to it.
Best answer:
Answer by A.Mercer
Well, those are signs. Covering up the windows and lots of different cars.
Another possibility is that they are doing some sort of renovation and covered the walls and windows up with the black plastic to protect them and the cars belong to the various contractors.
Do you notice strange smells in the neighborhood? Have you met these neighbors? Do they have an AC that is constantly going even when it is pretty cool outside? You may want to express some concern with the police but I would not hit the panic switch. Call up the PD and describe what is going on and ask what other warning signs you should watch out for. They may send someone out to check it out based on your phone call. If you notice other signs then call them back.
Answer by Charles C
Do they work nights? My wife does so our bedroom windows are blacked out. Drug dealers usually try to blend in. I would think they would use curtains. Maybe one of the occupants has a light sensitivity.
You can notify the police but with only different cars being parked there not much for them to do.
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