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Will the Major Religion’s Fall Because They Are Essentially Hurtful to Innocent Minorities?

Question by Butterfly Christie :~:~:~:~:: Will the major religion’s fall because they are essentially hurtful to innocent minorities?
Muslims, Christians, and even Jews all have text that condemns gay couples. However as society has progressed, and we enter the information age we find even scientifically that gay couples are capable of a consenting, caring, responsible, loving, and safe relationship as much as straight couples are.

So saying they are evil is liking picking on someone just for being different.

The leading medical, and psychological associations have all consistently supported gay couples, and condemned “gay reparative therapy” because there is objective evidence that shows it harms them.

So will this be more, and more seen as like how the book of Mormon says black people have dark skin because they were cursed by God?

I think this may be why many preachers are so adamant to portray homosexuals as evil, more than adultery, and divorce. They want to stop gay marriage from becoming legal, when divorse which goes completely against Christianity is completely legal. It shows these religions written by people with the limited knowledge of their times, and societies rather than knowledge coming from an all knowing deity.
@See reverse side – I agree that things change, but that does not address the question specifically. The question deals with which way do you think it will change.

@Searcher – Not particularly, but I can see how the religions can be hurtful to others, and that’s the problem.

@Chi girl – Yes. Just yes. An answer without backup can be debunked without backup.

@Vicken A – Being hurtful to innocent minorities brings sense to humanity?

Best answer:

Answer by See Reverse Side
The only constant is change. Everything will eventually disappear or become something else.

Answer by Chi girl
No. Just no.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



gay pride DAY in the park Hilo Hi.7:7:13 – a day in the park..